
Fræðsluerindi - David Asplund

Fimmtudaginn 15.febrúar kl. 20:00 stendur Íslensk ættleiðing fyrir fræðsluerindi í gegnum fjarfundarbúnað sem David Asplund mun halda.  David Asplund er mannfræðingur frá Svíþjóð og var sjálfur ættleiddur frá Ísrael og mun erindið fara fram á ensku

David Saad Per Asplund er mannfræðingur frá Svíþjóð, hann er sjálfur ættleiddur frá Ísrael og fékk nýlega afhent ættleiðingarskjölin sín þar sem upplýsingar um uppruna hans var að finna en því hafði verið haldið frá honum. 



Hér er kynning á David:

David Saad Per Hillstedt-Asplund is a cultural anthropologist from Sweden who did his master's thesis, titled: "the negotiation and crafting of identity among transnational and/or transracial adult adoptees in Sweden." 

Before his master's, David used to live in California, where his focus of studies and research was gravitating structural racism and marginalization towards people of color. Before arriving in the United States, David was traveling the world where he would participate and work in various organizations and projects as both project coordinator and a key-note speaker. David himself is adopted from Israel, and was only recently given his adoption file where information about his past could be found, which was kept away from him until earlier this year. 

David's presentation will be structured around him sharing how his personal narrative has changed over the years, and will include themes such as (although not limited to): socialization, kinship, materiality, and much more.


