
Hlaðvarp frá Adoptionscentrum í Svíþjóð

Ættleiðingarfélagið Adoptionscentrum í Svíþjóð hefur verið með hlaðvarp: Adoption & sånt (Adoption & such), síðustu ár. Nokkrir þættir eru á ensku og sá nýjast á ensku og fjallar um tvær systur sem ættleiddar voru frá Kína. 

Hér að neðan er kynning á þættinum á ensku en hægt er að hlusta á hlaðvarpið á Spotify hér

Podcast Episode: Sisters from China - A Journey Through Adoption and Growing Up 

In this English speaking episode of ”Adoption & sånt” (Adoption & such) we hear a touching and inspiring story from two sisters adopted from China, Mei & Rui Johnson Petri. Through their own wors, we gain insight into their upbringing, how adoption has shaped their lives, and the different paths they have taken. 

A Journey Through Childhood

The sisters share their early memories and what it was like to grow up in a new country. We hear about their cultural clashes and how they adapted to life in Sweden. 

Thoughts on Adoption

Adoption is a central theme in this episode, and the sisters discuss their thoughts and feelings about being adopted. They talk about identity, belonging, and how they have navigated between several cultures. Their stories highlight the unique challenges and joys that come with adoption. 

Different Paths

Despite having the same background and shared experiences, the sisters have had very different journeys through life. They speak about their individual challenges, successes, and how their perspectives on adoption have evolved over time. 

An Important Conversation

This episode is not just a story about two sisters but also a reflection on the broader issues of adoption and identity. Through their stories, listeners are encouraged to think about what it means to belong to a family, a culture, and a society. 

We hope this episode provides you with a deeper understanding of the complexities of adoption and the many aspects that affect those who are adopted. Tune in to hear more about these two inspiring sisters and their journey. 

About the podcast

The podcast "Adoption & such" was initiated by Adoptionscentrum in January 2023. The host is Andreas Johansson, who was adopted from Sri Lanka and grew up in a Stockholm suburb. 

A new episode is released once a month, each focusing on different topics; from return trips, thoughts about adoption, to how it feels to not have the same skin color as your parents. 

The podcast has been enormously appreciated and we have listeners in over 45 countries! We are incredibly proud of the podcast and what it has contributed. 

Several listeners have reached out and shared that they can finally talk with their parents, friends, and loved ones about topics that were previously not possible to discuss. One listener writes, among other things, "... now I can send an episode to my parents and then we can talk about it at the dinner table, this would never have been possible before the podcast! THANK YOU!"

