
Námsstefna um tengslaröskun 1.10.2005

Fyrirlesarar: Dr. Ronald S. Federici, neuropsychologist, Dr.David Ziegler clinical psychologist, director of residential program og Dr.Leslie Smith behavioral analyst.

Námsstefna um tengslaröskun
laugardaginn 1.10.05 í húsi Íslenskrar Erfðagreiningar

Professional and Parent Training
Understanding Neurodevelopmental and Social-Emotional Problems of Special Needs Children: From Proper Assessment to Rehabilitation

Fyrirlesarar: Dr. Ronald S. Federici, neuropsychologist, Dr.David Ziegler clinical psychologist, director of residential program og Dr.Leslie Smith behavioral analyst


1. Presentation regarding complex children (biological
and adopted)
2. Understanding impact of early childhood
developmental experiences on learning and behavior
3. Overview regarding “assessment” of children with
special needs
4. “Removing institutional damage”
5. Professional and parent treatment strategies
6. Educational interventions and training for school
7. Innovative home-based treatment programs

SESSION I 12:00-2:00

Dr. Ronald Steven Federici, Board Certified Developmental Neuropsychologist/Clinical Psychopharmacologist

Dr. Federici is an accomplished author and international lecturer on the damaging effects of institutional care and the proper evaluation and treatment of children having complex disabilities. He is the author of “Hope for the Helpless Child: A Guide for Families (With Special Discussion for Assessing and Treating the Post-Institutionalized Child).

Dr. Federici’s presentation will involve training for professionals and parents regarding the complexities in children who have been raised in deprived institutional settings, or children who have had chronic emotional-behavioral difficulties. Ample discussion will be provided regarding better ways for professionals and parents to understand and “conceptualize” the thinking, reasoning and behavioral presentations of children who are difficult to manage both at home and in school. Additionally, for children who are emotionally and cognitively impaired, presentation will provide parents with “hands on” treatment strategies which leads into the discussion regarding home-based, intensive and reconstructive therapies.

BREAK: 2:00 – 2:30

SESSION II: 2:30 – 4:30

Dr. David Ziegler, Clinical Psychologist, Clinic Director-SCAR/Jasper Mountain Residential Treatment Facility for severely emotionally damaged children (ages 4 – 12).

Dr. Ziegler is a world-renowned speaker and trainer, and author of three outstanding books entitled “Raising Children Who Refuse to be Raised”; “Traumatic Experience and the Brain”; and “Achieving Success with Impossible Children: How to Win the Battle of Wills”.

Dr. Ziegler’s presentation will focus extensively on how parents and professionals can treat and raise children who have chronic emotional and behavioral difficulties which have been non-responsive to traditional therapies. Emphasis will be on understanding the impact of trauma, cognitive limitations, and children who have developed a resistant pattern to treatment professionals and parents. Dr. Ziegler will provide expert understanding and therapeutic ideas for those children deemed “untreatable”.

BREAK: 4:30 – 5:00

SESSION III: 5:00 – 6:00

Leslie Smith, M.Ed., BCBA (Board Certified Behavioral Analyst),

Leslie Smith is a highly experienced Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) clinician working with children having autistic spectrum disorders and characteristics, and their families. Ms. Smith’s presentation, in complement to Drs. Federici and Ziegler’s presentation, will cover the principles of ABA, the behavioral and verbal components of ABA, and the applications both at home and in school


Ráðstefnugjald Fagfólk : Kr. 6000. Foreldrar Kr. 3000 fyrir einstakling, 5000 fyrir hjón.
Skráning á netfanginu
Greiðsla berist fyrir námsstefnuna inná reikning 0546-26-327 kt. 691204- 2860, Íslandsbanka.
Samtök um tengslaröskun, undirbúningsnefnd: Dagbjörg Sigurðardóttir barna og ungl. geðlæknir, Guðrún Bryndís Guðmundsdóttir barna-og ungl. geðlæknir, Kristín Kristmundsdóttir félagsráðgjafi, Málfríður Lorange taugasálfræðingur, Sigríður Ingvarsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri Karitas á Íslandi, Unnur Steina Björnsdóttir læknir,

